Monday, March 24, 2008

Power and Passion

1985, late Summer, LaJolla - I had been married for a few months, moved into a great townhouse in an incredible area and The Soundtrack Of My Life was developing daily! My parents came from back east to visit the two of us, after all these years, I'm pretty sure it didn't go too well. In any event, Tower Records on Sports Arena Drive gave up this treasure, a GRP imprint, so I felt confident in slapping down my $8 - looking back, a pretty cheap fix! I was familiar with BC, but mostly from his contributions on CTI, so this Power and Passion along with the African undertones were new to me - I liked it. Over the years, I think back to that townhouse, the bedroom overlooking the street, the light shining through, smooth pale 24 year old skin shimmering in the moon light - a true blonde - nothing lasts forever, especially that relationship; but over the years Billy Cobham's Warning has filled the void.....
Listen to 'Mozaik' and 'Dancer'

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